Dowty Turbocraft Manual Woodworkers

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  2. Dowty Turbocraft Manual Woodworkers Supply

Manual Woodworkers Pillows

Dowty Turbocraft Manual Woodworkers

Dowty Turbocraft Manual Woodworkers Supply

So It begins. I have allways liked the Jet type boat, and Idealy an early version which looks 'right' I have as an ebay saved search 'dowty' and 'Jet' which comes from another intrest, this showed a Local (less than 5 miles) speed boat in need of restration, some thing I hadnt even contmpleted, I promplety went to view the boat, it was in quite a state, but did look sound and I was impressed with the quality of the Hull. So Im in at the deep end, I will have a steep learning curve ahead, as I dont know a lot about Fibre glass, Mechanicals are less of a problem. I have been considering the ooptions for chaning the engine, as it is not a MK1 Turbocraft and has a different strearing nozzle arangement, I believe that it is probbley less important that I retain the orignal 2.5 Ford cast Iron engine. I have been considering the options, such as an all alloy V8 (Lexus as I have 2 spare) and limit the revs and also the accleration rate with a ECU system, a Stright six alloy engine from a BMW or the Toyota 3L stright 6 alloy head and cast block. I would like to keep the weight low and also improve the eficancy of the system IE MPG. I have had some intresting discusions with an ECU manufacturer which I have used when tuning Cars, where we can use a pizco electronic sensor to detect cavatation and use the Traction controll channel on the ECU to retard the Ing and or rain in the engine revs to prevent the Cavation....